
This Was Where It Kinda Fell Apart.

It was just three days until the first day of virtual school and Cohen's first day of Kindergarten. I had spent all day cleaning the house, organizing the curriculum, ordering school uniforms, and catching up on laundry.  I was feeling REALLY good about being prepared for Monday, delighted in fact, I'm never this perfectly prepared. I went out to run an errand and when I returned, as usual I was greeted at the door by excited children and a Weimaraner. Somehow I managed to close the front door ripping up the nail on my big toe in the process. I wasn't looking down at the time, so I was caught by surprise when I involuntarily dropped a bag I had been holding in my hand, then came a pain so intense that it caused me to look down. That's when I saw my nail standing up vertically. Did you hear me? VERTICAL. Then I said a curse word. [Cut to the emergency room.] They numbed my toe (which required three excruciating injections), pulled out my nail, cleaned up some other damage I had done to the 'meat' under the nail. After leaving the room several times to gain advice from other doctors, "they're out there talking about YOUR toe!" exclaimed Faith,  they decided to replace the nail into the matrix. They hope to keep the slot open so a new nail can grow out. I caused so much trauma that if they did not replace the nail my body would probably heal closed the 'slot' and my new nail would be the biggest ingrown nail in history. Awe to the some. Oh and then I got a tetnus shot. They left me with this tiny nugget of instruction: take off the bandage in three days, the nail will come off with the bandage, you won't feel a thing, and keep it clean. Done and done. I inquire about pain meds, because I was in the most insane amount of pain even with it 'numbed', to which the answer was that they'd give me a Motrin before I left. Great, A MOTRIN, that will do it. I hobbled out of the ER with the above bandage, one of those stylish hospital socks, and a prescription for antibiotics. I didn't sleep a wink that night. The only way to describe the pain is that it felt like someone was taking a red hot fire poker to the exposed 'meat' of my big toe, without EVER letting up. A nervy (is that a word?) pain that would sometimes shoot right up my foot. Why they don't prescribe pain medication for this type of injury I'll never understand, but If I ever see that ER doctor I just might pull off his big toe nail and then hand him a MOTRIN. Can you tell I'm bitter?

Needless to say things are falling apart. I can't sleep, I can't walk, the antibiotics are making me sick, and my arm hurts from the tetanus shot. I can only lay in bed. This wasn't how I had pictured this all going down in my head, this wasn't the start of the adventure I had imagined, but it is. It just is.

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