About Me

I live by the sea, technically the city of Fort Lauderdale. For now.

I love waking up to my family; my husband of eleven years, four witty and remarkable children, and a rescued dog aptly named Lucky [Weimaraner].

I like early mornings with my bible and my breakfast. Which is ALWAYS coffee [with half a tablespoon of agave and two tablespoons of cream] and a Deep Chocolate VitaTop. In the evening you'll find me in my Adirondack chair. On weekend mornings you'll find me running 2.83 miles around my neighborhood. Saturday I go to church and Sunday I go to the beach. I'm a quirky creature of habit.

Any other time I'm probably looking for something, cleaning up something, cooking or baking, being entertained by one of these four, taking a picture, or sitting in front of my iMac.

I feel so blessed to live the life I live.