
FOOD | Pesto Egg Salad

When I reach a certain level of stress [home school is stressful, ya'll] I want carbs. Bad carbs, mostly pasta if I were to be specific. Some people are good at moderating themselves when it comes to pasta but I am not one of those people, and lucky for me, my body is super sensitive to carbohydrates.  Just one carb heavy meal can make me to gain two pounds. No joke. I've come up with something that works for me. I call it "Keep-Me-From-Eating-A-Pound-of-Pasta-Pesto-Egg-Salad." It's super simple, it's just three hard boiled egg whites, two hard boiled egg yolks, and some homemade pesto. I don't use a recipe for pesto, as I prefer to wing it in the kitchen, but if you Google it you'll find a million. I swear that when I eat this my brain thinks it's pasta and my body really prefers the protein. Oh, and a couple of my kids will eat this too.

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